24 August 2011

I Told You So.

Yesterday, I was getting ready for a quick trip to the store. Some milk, cleaning supplies, and a few other essentials were on the list. Being big fans of Dave Ramsey and Crown Financial Ministries, I started to get into my cash "envelope" binder while making my list for the trip. Unfortunately, five one-dollar bills looked back at me in the 'grocery' pocket. Boo. It was August 23 - eight days left in the month.

I started thinking: Can we make it eight days with five dollars for food? I mean, I already need a gallon of milk and that is going to cut what I have in half! Aye. I thought about just moving over some other money from another pocket or just putting what I need on the debit card. Was that cheating the system, though?

Then, the still, small voice: Don't worry. Go get your milk. Go run your errands. Don't worry. Trust Me.


I will. I'll trust You, Lord. I knew it was You who led us to do this cash budget. And, it was You we looked to as we set it up. I'll trust You.

I pulled out of the driveway with my list of places to go. Starting down the road, I had this feeling that I needed to go to the post office first. I usually always hit up the post office last when I run errands to check our PO Box. No reason, it's just on the way home. This time, I turned around and went to the post office first, even though it was a tad out of my way for where I needed to go. Going through our mail as I'm walking out, I just had to smile. Some Kroger bucks had come in the mail! [We have a Kroger Credit Card that don't carry a balance on, but we use for gasoline & big purchases. It's a rewards card, and we periodically get certificates for in-store credit to Kroger. I call them 'Kroger bucks'.]

If God says "I told you so.", He totally did at that moment. Ha. I was able to get food we needed for the rest of the month with the Kroger bucks. Praise Him!

...and I still have those five little one-dollar bills in my envelope.

10 August 2011


We really enjoyed hearing all the different speakers at national staff conference. We heard from a wide variety of people - Francis Chan, David Platt, and many more!

We are excited to share that experience with you! Some of the sessions were recorded and posted online for you to experience also. What a treat. :)

Check it out:

09 August 2011

August Update

I think we are finally acclimated back to Dayton after being in Colorado for national staff conference. We really enjoyed being with our Keynote family and look forward to being reunited with them very soon! Click here to read more about our trip in our August update letter.