23 August 2012

Go Team, Go!

We were blessed to report to our assignments at Keynote on the very first day of Summer Project. We quickly mixed into the fun and the crazy that is in the air when we have many college students with us for the summer!

While the students were with us learning how to share their stories, practicing their craft (music, film, or theater), and getting ready to take the gospel through the country on their tours....we were busy as well!

Tony and I were both assigned to the "Go Team" during summer project. But, what does that really mean? Take a look...

See those tables? The Go Team was responsible for keeping the tables wiped down from snacks and meals throughout Summer Project. The team also frequently set more up or tore some down, depending on what events were happening.

At the beginning of Summer Project, Tony picked up Kennan (singing in the white shirt) and others from the Indianapolis Airport. Jonelle made an airport run and got to know Toya (singing, left) and a few others.

The Go Team prepped, cooked, and served the students' Friday night dinners. The students were thankful for a meal that wasn't fast food!

The students' dress rehearsals (final performance before they left for tour) were open to the public...which means snacks and popcorn!

We enjoyed working as a team to set up and decorate the final banquet for the students to celebrate what the Lord did during the summer!

We had fun serving together! Although we were running around all summer and working late during the week and weekends...we had a great team and loved our first assignment with Keynote!

21 August 2012

Our Happy Hand Model

Recently, our New Media Labs team at Keynote asked Tony to help with a video they were creating to promote MissionHub, an online follow-up system (developed by Cru in partnership with Keynote) designed to connect leaders with students who are interested in growing spiritually.

This animated video was sent to campus staff leaders with Cru to remind them of this great tool that was created for them to connect, communicate, and track ministry relationships. Keynote is excited to provide this tool to help campus staff reach others more effectively!

However, it oddly started to feel like the Seinfield Episode starring George Constanza as a hand model. Yes, Tony's role was to be a hand model in this little production! Take a look behind the scenes:

Here is the finished project:

*To read more about MissionHub, click here.*

03 May 2012


A good friend recently posted something on her blog that I have been thinking about lately. Instead of trying to formulate words for my thoughts...I am just going to feature hers.  :)

I have been on both ends of what she talks about in her post [below]. There have been times where I've called or texted someone just because they "came to mind", and those conversations, seemingly random to me, were a need filled to the recipient. On the other hand, there was a time where we were really struggling financially...living with friends while raising support, not getting paychecks yet, and living off sporadic part-time hours. We didn't tell anyone how crazy the situation was, because we were to get our little paychecks in a week, and God always comes through. I still don't know who did it, but someone left gift card in an envelope on my car. [If that was you: you don't know how much you blessed us that day!]

God knows. He sees. He listens. Sometimes he uses you.

Here are my friend's words. [Check out her blog, good stuff!] Wendy says:

    While at the recent home school convention in Cincinnati, I received a phone call from a friend back home.  It was very unexpected, but instead of letting my voice mail get the call, I picked it up.  On the other end of the line was Jenny, a gal who was quick to make friends and help them in any way. Although she possesses these great gifts, to the best of my knowledge Jenny is not a mind-reader.  She could not have known that I was just mulling over a recent workshop at the convention that convicted me regarding the parenting of one of my children.  She could not have known that I was struggling with the strained relationship this child and I were experiencing.  She could not have known that I was fighting fear that this child’s heart was hardening to the Lord.  Yet, even without this knowledge, the Holy Spirit worked within her to prompt her to call me from”out of the blue” and encourage me.  In her phone conversation, she shared how this child, the very one I had previously been dwelling on, was so kind to her recently.   She shared specific instances and words.  Purpose and love were driving this conversation and I was tremendously encouraged.
    How many times has the Holy Spirit prompted you to call someone?  To write an email or letter?  What is your response?  As I think back to the many prompts I’ve received from the Holy Spirit, I can remember specific times that I obeyed and rejoiced as I knew only God could have orchestrated such an occasion.  Of course, there have been other times that I’ve gone on with “my business” and not touched base with a friend who God put on my heart and mind.  I missed out on the chance to bless.  How good God is, though, as He continues to prompt us as we draw near to Him and humbly keep our hearts soft to Him.
    If the Holy Spirit has been silent in your life, consider if you truly know Him.  Has He done a supernatural work in your heart to change it from being dead to being alive and a new creation?  If He has indeed, and the fruit of your life is evidence of this very truth, then seek Him.  Ask Him to reveal people in need of an encouraging word, of help with babysitting their children, of money to pay a bill, of an invitation to dinner or even church.  Be open to these promptings; act on them.  And, see God at work!

23 March 2012

Photo Friday

I got to spend a quick day with my little buds while we were in Dayton for some meetings. They love playing with the camera on my phone because it can flip around to look like a mirror. Giggles were had by all!

21 March 2012

So Much More

As staff with Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), we have the opportunity to venture to Colorado every other summer for the US Staff Conference. We have been there twice and have been so thankful to be able to take the 1.5ish weeks to be refreshed and renewed.

Keynote plays an exciting part at the US Staff Conference, too! Many of our staff are deeply involved in planning and running the conference. Also, Keynote staff provide the music! [Fitting, right? :)] Tony and I look forward to serving at many future conferences!

Below, enjoy the song, "So Much More," by Seth Irby, performed by Keynote at the 2011 US Staff Conference in Fort Collins, CO.

14 March 2012

So Much For Love

Take a peek inside of one of Keynote's bands! Below, you can watch "So Much For Love," by The Gap Theory, performed at the 2011 RUSH Festival in Hyderabad, India. This large event was in partnership with the Billy Graham Association. We are excited to have worked with the Billy Graham Association and hope to build on that relationship in the near future!

06 March 2012


Thankful - for our team of supporters speaking encouragement, truth, and wisdom to us...both when the waiting is good and when the waiting is rough.

Thankful - for access to the Word. "...hope in God; for I shall again praise Him, my salvation and my God." (Psalm 43:5)

Thankful - that my happiness is not dependent on my circumstances. I have a deep contentment that is in the Lord alone. "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice." (Philippians 4:4)

Thankful - for the amazing sunshine today and the ability to take my dog on an afternoon walk in the sun.

Thankful - for an abundance of great church families in the area and our ability to choose where to connect and grow.


What are you thankful for today?

02 March 2012

Photo Friday

Welcome to the world, Devyn Vaughn.

This week, I had the pleasure of meeting this little guy and helping my sister and her hubbs out for a few days. His due date was this coming Sunday, but he decided to make his appearance a week early. No body seemed to mind, though. Devyn and I had two mini photo shoots while his parents were napping. Although we got some great shots, I don't think he was too fond of being my little model. He let me know by pooping all over me. End of shoot. Immediately. Clean up, aisle 1.

10 February 2012

Photo Friday

Yep. Those are my keys. The picture wouldn't be as grand if the car wasn't locked. It just makes for a better picture, right?

Even better, I am up in northern Indiana (Amish country) with the lovely Keynote ladies for a women's retreat...three hours from home. :)

Praise Jesus for AAA.

03 February 2012

Photo Friday

Yesterday, we had the chance to meet Baby Jacob. We were so excited to meet this handsome little guy - and surprise his momma & daddy with our visit too! We are so thankful that Dayton is just two hours away from Indianapolis so we can do things like this! The Ellers are very good friends of ours and we just had to see their newest edition to the family!

01 February 2012

Meet Our Friends: Rhymz Suhreal

When we moved to Indianapolis in December, we had this mindset of "instant community" by living so close to our Keynote friends. We were deep within community in Dayton with our friends from Apex, Covenant Creek, and Passage. What we didn't anticipate was the timing of our move, as so many of our friends left town for Christmas with families and working at various Christmas Conferences [see our previous post on Christmas Conference]. It worked out well, though, because we had our hands full with unpacking, organizing, and settling into our new home. Thankfully, God had a special bonus for us....new friends!

Zak and Becky and their three kiddos actually moved into the area about the same time as us. They are new staff, too! We seemed to be the only two families in town for awhile! We were blessed by hanging out with them and looking for church homes together.

We wanted to introduce you to them and what they're doing with Keynote. Zak and Becky are hip-hop artists for Keynote! Their band's name is Rhymz Suhreal. In August, they traveled to Kenya for two weeks, to minister to children. They delivered Bibles, taught them Bible lessons, and co-wrote a song with them.

You can learn more about and/or keep up with Rhymz Suhreal from their website.

Enjoy a quick glimpse of their time in Kenya:

Rhymz Suhreal @ Soweto Academy (Kibera, Kenya) from Rhymz Suhreal on Vimeo.

27 January 2012

Photo Friday

A little more official. Name badges!

Lord, we trust You for our provision of what we need. We know this journey is in Your hands, and You know what we need. We're ready to work from the office now. A few years ago, we weren't ready. Please bring in that last bit of support soon!

25 January 2012

"Tewbowing" - a way to start spiritual conversations!

One part of Keynote that we are excited to help out with is with the yearly Christmas Conferences. College students from all over the US go to different regional conferences between Christmas and New Year's. We both were able to attend our regional Christmas Conference in Indianapolis [Indy CC] several times throughout college.

Indy CC was where I [Jonelle] fell in love with the city of Indianapolis. There was just something special about the city that drew me in. Little did I know that it would be my home someday! Also, Indy CC was where Tony and I really started our friendship [albeit a little ironic, as we both went to the same university]. Little did I know that this guy would be my husband someday!

We are very excited to be able to work at the conferences next year, since they were a big impact on our lives! These conferences also can have a big impact on Keynote, because we use these conferences as a time to share with students about opportunities with Keynote, either on Summer Project, with an internship, or with full-time staff. [This is where we first learned about Keynote!]

This winter, some of our staff helped out at the Denver Christmas Conference, where over 1,000 students from various schools attended. At this conference, students packed thousands of meals to send to Haiti and heard from great speakers during the sessions...but what was interesting to hear was that they did a “Tebowing” flash mob in downtown Denver as a way to start spiritual conversations!

Check out the Denver newscast featuring these students "Tebowing" downtown!

20 January 2012

Photo Friday

The living room transformation is almost finished! It won't be much longer until we post final pictures. We hung these panels today. It was great to get something large up on the walls in this big space! It was also great that it was low-cost, too! (foam insulation panels covered in fabric!)

13 January 2012

Photo Friday

I'm hoping to get back into "Photo Friday" postings, whether they be photos from my DSLR or my phone. Today, you get the phone picture.

When we moved in to our house, we peeked under the carpet to see if we had hardwood flooring hiding underneath all that carpet. We didn't see anything, though.

Fast forward to today. Tony checked again - a little closer this time, and peek-a-boo, look what we found!