27 January 2012
Photo Friday
Lord, we trust You for our provision of what we need. We know this journey is in Your hands, and You know what we need. We're ready to work from the office now. A few years ago, we weren't ready. Please bring in that last bit of support soon!
25 January 2012
"Tewbowing" - a way to start spiritual conversations!
One part of Keynote that we are excited to help out with is with the yearly Christmas Conferences. College students from all over the US go to different regional conferences between Christmas and New Year's. We both were able to attend our regional Christmas Conference in Indianapolis [Indy CC] several times throughout college.
Indy CC was where I [Jonelle] fell in love with the city of Indianapolis. There was just something special about the city that drew me in. Little did I know that it would be my home someday! Also, Indy CC was where Tony and I really started our friendship [albeit a little ironic, as we both went to the same university]. Little did I know that this guy would be my husband someday!
We are very excited to be able to work at the conferences next year, since they were a big impact on our lives! These conferences also can have a big impact on Keynote, because we use these conferences as a time to share with students about opportunities with Keynote, either on Summer Project, with an internship, or with full-time staff. [This is where we first learned about Keynote!]
This winter, some of our staff helped out at the Denver Christmas Conference, where over 1,000 students from various schools attended. At this conference, students packed thousands of meals to send to Haiti and heard from great speakers during the sessions...but what was interesting to hear was that they did a “Tebowing” flash mob in downtown Denver as a way to start spiritual conversations!
Check out the Denver newscast featuring these students "Tebowing" downtown!
20 January 2012
Photo Friday
13 January 2012
Photo Friday
When we moved in to our house, we peeked under the carpet to see if we had hardwood flooring hiding underneath all that carpet. We didn't see anything, though.
Fast forward to today. Tony checked again - a little closer this time, and peek-a-boo, look what we found!