26 February 2008


Wow, this whole journey is so exciting. We are blessed with opportunities to hang out with friends and invest in what is going on with them personally. Although it is very fun, it does come with stress. We have been very blessed with consistent appointments, but it takes a toll on your body and mind spiritually. Long hours and pouring a whole lot more of trust into God then we seem to be typically use to puts us in a place we are actually not familiar with.

I am relearning all about what it means to follow Jesus with 100% of my life. I know consciously I am giving it all I have, but he knows there are times I just get into a rut of confusion, frustration, and doubt. I can relate to Peter when Jesus asks him three times if he Loves him. Sometimes I don't get the big idea immediately.

We are working so hard, and have been blessed with this opportunity to serve God in being part of his great commission. Please pray for strength and wisdom throughout our daily routines.


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