The Queues have rounded out the overseas ministry tour in New Zealand. Praising God for His goodness, protection and endurance. We fly out tomorrow (Mon.) evening (New Zealand time).
Here’s the recap of our last week of concerts:
Tuesday evening we played a concert at a church close to campus. The university students bugged their campus director at the Student Life Conference to have us come and play. So needless to say they were psyched! There were about 40-45 in attendance, mostly first year students. Out of the 31 comment cards filled out 4 indicated they were interested in learning more about spiritual things and 6 indicated they were interested in Bible Study.
Comment card highlights:
“I think your performance was a blast. You guys reminded me that my relationship with God is very important and you guys also blessed me so much.” –Audrey 19
“Thank you, your [Mia] story blessed me. You’ve made me realize spiritual things and Bible Study that I need to reconsider my priorities.” – Jess 22
“The Queues RULE- below God that is.” –Vanessa 21
Wed. night we played at a pub on the University of Auckland called The Shadows. Our 8pm show was part of Reorientation Week on Campus. In fact there was a sign in the bar that had us as The Keynotes (USA) and a different sign said The Queues (USA). So that night this was really a “get the word out” type of setting. From stage Mia was able to plug the weekly meetings of Student Life and how people search for happiness. We encouraged the audience to check us out as we played Thursday night.
Thursday night was our last official evangelistic outreach concert. We played 7:30 pm at the Post-Graduate Lounge on the University of Auckland campus. It was a fantastic turnout 65 people! 48 comment cards were filled out: 9 indicated interest in learning more about Student Life ministry, 5 indicated learning more about a relationship with Jesus Christ. A unique thing about this concert was how people heard of the concert: 3 through facebook and about 17 were brought by friends. A trend we see time and time again is that students tend to come when their friends actually bring them.
Comment card highlights:
“Today was my first time coming here. I had so much fun and the stories really touched me.” -Sarah
“Had such a good time, really inspiring.” -Michael
At the close of this incredible overseas ministry opportunity we praise God for: sustained health, flexibility, restful sleep, gracious hosts (homes where we stayed)
A lawn concert outside a student flat prior to the big Rugby match between
New Zealand and South Africa. Students brought out their couches.
New Zealand and South Africa. Students brought out their couches.
Click Here to view more photos from the New Zealand team.