10 July 2008

Update from New Zealand - with pictures!

We heard from our friends in New Zealand. We hope you are encouraged by what God's doing in New Zealand and continue to pray for the team!

Yesterday we flew from Wellington, NZ (north island) to Dunedin (duh-nee-din) the south island. It’s where the penguins are (as to how cold it gets). Anyways, Praise God for Gavin the guy at the airport check in counter yesterday. Let’s just say we spent about 45 min. talking through how to handle the extra weight kgs that is-with the instruments and luggage. They didn’t charge as much as they could of.

Tonight, Thurs. is our first outreach concert here in Dunedin. Well, we could definitely use prayer as we will be playing at 10:30 PM. Might I add that it is outdoors. That means in the 30s Fahrenheit! EEK. Pray that we would stay warm and that the Holy Spirit would strengthen us to persevere despite our bodily temp. This outreach is supposed to be a BIG event for Student Life (Campus Ministry) as Dunedin is a campus town. The students are typically out late at night- going from bar to bar and such. Our prayer is that hundreds of students would hear the concert as they walking around town and be drawn in to then hear the Gospel message.

The next two days we will do two more concerts here. One venue is in a Crypt and the other a parking lot of a guys flat (apt.)- where 20-30 student flats are! The staff and students here just did outreach surveys this week on campus ”Tune- in”. What is neat is we (our band “The Queues”) have the privilege to piggy back/enhance theses surveys with a visual/concrete venue to help promote their campus ministry. We continue to pray the Lord will bring those to the concert He Wills and that many will be drawn in to hear the Gospel message.

Thank you for your prayer and encouragement!

Reporting for the Queues, Live in NZ

Since their band name is "The Queues", they thought this Café sign was appropriate.

Setting up for an event in Wellington.

A concert at Victoria University, Wellington

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