16 September 2010

Taking the Truth to the 8th Continent

Keynote is all about using innovative resources and creative communication to spark life change. This past year, the door has been blown open for Keynote to pursue ways to take the Gospel to the 8th Continent.

Don't worry. No one has added another physical continent to our current 7 like Pluto has been nixed as a planet. :) The "8th Continent" refers to the Internet and social networking. It is a very real place for those of the "Generation Z". This generation of people were born between the early 1990s and the late 2000s. Their nickname is the "Net Generation" - and they are all about the Internet, social networking, texting, etc... Many parents of these kids are finding it typical to see their child connecting with a friend on Facebook chat, while texting to someone else on their cell phone, all while carrying on a conversation with their parents or someone in the house.

Some research is showing that many of this generation simply aren't leaving Facebook's website. They are finding the answers to questions that they have within the Facebook site.


If the poor and homeless downtown in our city need the Gospel - then we, as the Bride of Christ, need to go to the downtown of our city to connect with them.

If the students on the nearby college campus need the Gospel - then we, as the Bride of Christ, need to go to the nearby college campus to connect with them.

So...........if these teens are connecting with people and looking for their answers on Facebook.com - then we, as the Bride of Christ, need to go to Facebook.com!

And, that's where Keynote comes in! Keynote has created a screencast tutorial that will help you to have life-changing ministry resources like everystudent.com and startingwithgod.com on your Facebook profile page. This video outlines the process necessary to put a Facebook app tab on your Facebook profile page and to help bring some of the answers that Gen Z are searching for to where they are looking: Facebook.

Click here to watch the tutorial.

We'd love for you to leave a comment after you've watched the video to let us know what you think!

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