03 March 2011

Just The Band Girl

Since this fall, Tony & I have been helping out with a church plant from our local church called Covenant Creek. We both didn't know what we would be getting into while serving there...in a good way. :)

Some weeks while the lead musician is out, I get to be in charge. Pulling music, arranging songs, and leading practices are not anything new for me. Recently, I was on the CCLI website looking up copyright information for a song, and I came across an article. Looking back at my journey of leading music, I can identify with this article. I can identify with it going all the way back to when I was in seventh grade and started volunteering to play on the youth band at my church.

The article, in which I highly encourage you to take a peek here, was written by Paul Baloche. [You may have heard some of his songs...Your Name, Open the Eyes of my Heart, and more.] He starts out talking about his attitude of being "just the band guy". That attitude was mine too starting out in seventh grade! Even though I was the "worship leader" for several groups/events in high school and college, I felt like I was "just the band girl". After all, I'm not a great communicator in the first place, and that is the pastor's job anyway, right? My talents were music, so I played the music. Serve where your talents are, right?

Oh, but there is so much more.

Paul explained that as he led more and more, there was a shift in the "just a band guy" attitude. He said: "As weeks turned into months and months into years I began to grow in my love and concern for the people that I served each Sunday. Instead of fearing their disapproval or rejection of me, I began to realize how important our corporate gatherings were to the spiritual health of our congregation."

When we started helping out with Covenant Creek...that was it...we were "just" helping out, helping this little church with their transition out on their own. Once they figured it out [whatever "it" is], we could move on, right?


But, now I am thinking more along the lines that we [as in Tony & I] are the ones who had things to figure out...not this new little church. We're pretty integrated now. I've definitely grown in my love and concern for the people we serve each week. Over the past 5 months, I don't fear disapproval or rejection anymore. I am not as concerned with a clutch set list. Paul nailed exactly what I have been feeling and transitioning
to..."being more focused on how we could build up and encourage others through music, prayers, and scripture".

So, Covenant Creek. Thanks. I look forward to serving with ya'll for the time we have with you. :)


1 comment:

One chance at this life said...

I love this posting, Jonelle. Thanks for sharing your heart of what the Lord is teaching you. Also....thank you and Tony for serving each week. We have been so blessed by your mnistry!!