15 March 2011

The Earthquake in Japan

The recent tragic events in Japan have made my mind wonder what this all means biblically. An earthquake so powerful it caused a tsunami and claimed the lives of thousands. I started thinking about what an earthquake is and how we can be prepared for when one hits. The crazy thing is you can never be ready for an earthquake. Sure we can build strong buildings or try not to live near a fault line, but we will never be prepared for when the actual event of the earthquake happens. Scientists can tell us how strong it was, or explain in science terms how it will destruct the area, but they can never tell us on what day or hour an earthquake will hit.

And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people.
Matthew 27:50-53

The bible tells us of the very first earthquake and it happens at a time that filled with spiritual battle. During the death of Jesus on the cross we witness victory. I find it interesting that this earthquake hit amidst most likely the strongest spiritual battle in history. I believe spiritual battle is real and it can affect us deeply and personally.

So I might be concluding that earthquakes could be the result of very powerful and scary spiritual battle. Think about how powerful our creator God really is and when He goes to battle against the darkness that is Satan, how much really goes on. I almost imagine the death-match we see at the end of movies when superheroes fight each other for victory. Terrible destruction and casualties even occur during these spectacles of heroes rising to the occasion of fending off evil. Our God is doing the same thing still. He is alive and fighting off evil and darkness.

It is also no coincidence that these scary and tragic natural disasters happen where darkness reigns. I know we have false gods that we worship in our own country, but I sometimes will think that our safety in worship is incidental because we don’t build statues of idols and the like. Then I realize we do, it is just through fame and fortune, or through engineering and technology, or through pride and protection of ourselves. These natural disasters that happen to the spiritually dark countries are horrific and change lives, but honestly we are not that much different. God is fighting hard to defeat the darkness that resides in Satan’s heart. God is fighting so hard for you and your eyes to be open to the truth that He literally shakes things up.


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