25 March 2011

Photo Friday: Move It, Move It

This edition of Photo Friday has been brought to you by Two Men &

A Truck [Dayton North]...and my hubbs. :)

Yesterday, Tony & I went to the Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting Celebration for our friends' [David & Laurie] franchise of Two Men & A Truck in Huber Heights. We wanted to show support for them - and who wouldn't turn down cookies shaped like moving trucks!

I got the chance to practice photography in a casual, party-like setting. I knew there would be something special at this party because earlier this week, Laurie was asking around for a transparency projector. When we walked into the office, we saw their company's logo transformed into a wooden cutout for pictures! My hubbs snapped this picture of me with the party planner...

Great job, Laurie! We're excited to use Two Men & A Truck when we move to Indy!


1 comment:

Rick said...

So when is the truck arriving :-)