24 March 2009

blue sky nine talks about...blue sky nine

Keynote is constantly educating people about what exactly it is that we do and how different ministries can effectively use our artists to reach people for Christ. So, Keynote's Media Team and blue sky nine recently teamed up to produce a promotional video for concert hosts. Posting the video on youtube.com gives easy access and broader exposure. Enjoy!

10 March 2009

Year In Review.

Here is a 4-minute video highlighting everywhere Keynote went in 2008. We are excited to be directly involved with this ministry, and pray that we can be there very soon!

04 March 2009

Latest Press.

As our society continues to connect and explore over youtube.com, Keynote is realizing the potential to share more than just humor. With a passing suggestion and bit of editing, they took an already existing Gospel message from our ventriloquist, David Pendleton, and posted it to youtube.com. This link has seen over 3,400 hits in two months (with very little advertising)!

Keynote's full-time bands are spending a significant amount of time exploring how to further their impact using technology. They are not only developing Internet marketing; they are also creating online ministry opportunities. God is opening up doors for our communication training to potentially equip thousands of Campus Crusade staff to better reach millions of college students around the world....and our international influence has never been greater.

We are so excited about the vision of Keynote and cannot wait to report to Indy to begin working! Thank you for taking a jump and moving through this journey with us!