16 September 2009

Just a Story?

This summer, one of Keynote's summer project bands Young Isaac had the exciting opportunity to connect with ministries and people in Australia! During concerts, one of the band members, Ryan, talked about how he learned to trust God after the death of his best friend.

Here is a snapshot of what students wrote on comment cards about Ryan's story:

  • “I know what it’s like to be mad at God, since my dad died it hasn’t been the same.”
  • “I really liked your show and Ryan’s story changed my perspective on life.”
  • “I still don’t understand why God takes our loved ones away from us, especially when they are young. This is what annoys me.”
  • “I liked your music. Ryan’s story was touching—made me realize the importance of life.”
  • “Thanks Ryan. You have opened my eyes to things I didn’t realize before.”
  • “Ryan’s story was very inspirational—gave me a lot to think about. I have a lot of problems with God and religion since my mom died.”
It is really neat to see the impact of what a story can have. This story, this piece of Ryan's life that he shared with others...it opened doors into comments and conversations that don't typically happen in your " 'hi, how are you doing'...'fine'...'okay great' " conversations. This summer, Ryan's story probably didn't help every person who heard. But, I bet it did encourage many people to think. To think about their life - to think about the questions they have about life - and to think about how God fits [or isn't fitting] in their life.

Don't be afraid to share your story. You do have one. Everyone has one. Isn't it worth it if it helps someone else to wrestle and really think about spiritual things?

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