22 September 2009

Make a difference on the other side of the Earth!

Really? Yep!

One of the Keynote bands, blue sky nine, is heading to Asia for month long tour to partner with different ministries and help them connect with their target audiences! They fly out next Tuesday, Sept 29 at 6am!

Thank you for joining us in praying for Keynote and things that we relay to you. Your prayers certainly do make a difference! Here are some highlights about this trip [and how you can pray specifically]:

***One concert on a campus will possibly be recorded for a local TV station. Pray that this will happen and will be used throughout the country.

***The band will be helping a local music ministry with training [sound tech & music evangelism training]. Pray for clear communication and that 'blue sky nine' can help equip the local ministry.

We look forward to letting you know how God moves while they are on tour! Do you want to have a bigger investment? CLICK HERE ...to download a prayer calendar that highlights each day that the band is on tour and how you can specifically pray for them!

blue sky nine thanks you for being intentional....

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