21 February 2011

Our Top 10 From 2010

A little cliché rhyming there? Yep. Actually, I'm not sure if '10' & '2010' technically count as rhyming.


We are constantly telling people that we have been learning and growing so much while we have been building our support team. When 2010 came to a close, we made a top 10 list of our own. Enjoy!

Our Top 10 Things We’ve Learned While Raising Support...

10. God has stretched our faith by putting us in situations we didn’t expect nor prepare.

9. Across the USA, there are many ways of how to ask for a carbonated beverage.

8. The answer is always “no” unless we ask. God has provided through people we had only known for about 10 minutes!

7. God is a great multiplier! We are living on the absolute lowest income ever, and we’ve been blessed to give the most ever to Kingdom things.

6. I think I’ve tried about everything on the menu at Panera while at support meetings.

5. Raising support is definitely not about the money. It’s about spreading His fame.

4. John 15:5 has been made so real to us. “...for apart from Me you can do nothing.”

3. God orchestrates every specific detail in order for Him to be glorified.

2. A car can make it from Florida to Ohio with a broken catalytic converter. Just make sure there is enough speed going down the hills in Kentucky so you can get back up.

1. We are humbled by His specific provision through the great partners He has brought into our path so that we can carry each other’s burdens along this unique journey!

1 comment:

One chance at this life said...

Love your top 10 list........thanks for sharing!!!